ACE Board approves $200,000 distribution to Nebraska member communities
April 08, 2016
Contact: Communications Dept. NMPP Energy
Lincoln, NE - ACE, the Public Alliance for Community Energy, is distributing $2455.42 to The Village of Morrill as its share of $200,000 being distributed to the 72 Nebraska member communities of the not-for-profit, community owned natural gas supplier.
The ACE board of directors may return excess revenue beyond the cost of operating the organization to its member communities. The board approved the distribution at its board meeting earlier this year. Since forming in 1998, ACE has returned more than $1.6 million back to its Nebraska members, including $80,527.69 to Gering overall. The funds are used in various ways to benefit each ACE member community.
"Along with ACE's mission of providing competive pricing in the Nebraska Choice Gas program and to serve as an advocate for Choice Gas customers, ACE gives funds back to benefit Nebraska communities," said Beth Ackland, ACE director of retail gas services. "It really is a win-win situation for Nebraskans."
The Choice Gas selection period is set to begin April 15 and run through April 28. Selections may be made online through April 28 using ACE's website at or by phone at 1-800-454-4759. Selection forms will be mailed out to all eligible customers prior to the beginning of the selection period.
More information about ACE and its role in the Nebraska Choice Gas program is available at